
Candy Coated Living

Lollii pop, lolli pop, ohh la la lolli lolli, lolli pop...

Hahahaha, I can’t help it! Simply looking at this room makes me hyper. Doesn’t it seem like it is infused with sugary sweetness? I bet you could get a toothache from just being in the room.

You can’t unwrap the room and you certainly can’t eat it, but apparently one can live in it. Not me, that’s for sure. Residing in said house would leave me in a frenzied state of continuous color overwhelm.
Pops of color are nice; however I think these rooms draw on too much of a good thing. Whoever the color crazed individual is that decorated these rooms, I commend them for having an unquestionable confidence in their sense of design style and personal taste. I would like to meet the person that dwells in these rainbow rooms. They have got to be a wildly upbeat, “glass is half fu
ll”, dynamic soul. I don’t think it’s possible to be down in the dumps in spaces like these.
I remember myself as a color happy child. I recall how I used to dream of having sparkling walls. I wanted to roll glue on my walls and sprinkle glitter all over them so they could twinkle like a million diamonds when the sun filled my room. I also used to find jewels deeply enticing. I loved those little packets of vibrant gems my sweet Mom use to buy me from Michael's craft store. I would glue them on everything from my school binders to the switch plates in my room. Deep down I know that carefree, cheery, colorful kid still exists within me, and from time to time she shines through and draws me toward pictures like these.

Was this what inspired the room?

Prettiest candy ever.

Although I would never decorate a room like this, I can appreciate how well its put together. The swan wall paper covers the walls with personality and surely charms all the passersby. Pop art could have been the inspiration for these rooms because there is a vintage feel that adds an air of maturity.

The bubblegum pink lamp topped with a fringed apple green shade is as kitschy as it comes. I would never get any grown up work done at this desk because it would bring the kid out in me who just wants to be imaginative and do arts and crafts.


  1. Love the first image! not sure it would go too well in my own home though.

    I'm in love with the light fitting and the fairylight.... oh and the wallpaper.

    Fee x

  2. I feel the same way. I'm lovin' it but I'm not living in it!!! lol... The wall paper is pretty great.
