
Tickled Pink

Most of the people who know me know I am not a “I heart pink” kind of girl.
I like pink… in a small dose… in the right shade, but never would I decorate with pink nor have it be my main color palate. Even if I was decorating a little girl’s room, I would probably use just a touch. However this interior and exterior shot… they make me rethink my stink on pink.

They aren’t the same house by the way.

This is utterly gorgeous.

I think a woman who lived here probably lived here for several years and always noticed this tree bloom in the spring. And then one afternoon in the late winter she thought about how she wished it were warmer and the thought of spring made her think of the tree at her front door and how beautiful it is when it blooms every year. She then decides to paint her front door that shocking shade of pink just because she wants to do something different and fabulous.

Then one day when the season has changed, she walks out and the flowers have blossomed and there she has it… the most spectacular exterior!

This is just out of control… totally outrageous and completely OUT OF THIS WORLD. I want a friend with a kitchen like this!!! Best house party backdrop EVER!

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